Sunday, September 20, 2009

TWO Performances This Week:

Thursday, September 24th @ 7:30 (entire event from 7 - 11pm)
The Firehall Arts Centre
$8 - $13
Ticket Info...
The Eastside Culture Crawl Society will be hosting 'Infusion', an arts performance celebration at the Firehall Arts Centre. This event is a curtain raiser for the main Crawl and a fundraiser for the Crawl Society. The show will be an eclectic and exciting showcase of local talent and a chance to mix and mingle with artists of all genres in the community. With a diverse mix of performance and art for every taste, Infusion is an Autumn tonic to raise the spirits and fill the evening with delight. Masks/ and or fancy dress is preferred.

Performing with No Hitting are:
Music Makers: Lee Hutzulak, Madoka Hara, Jesse Gentes, Rachael Wadham, & Dave Leith,
Movers: Jennifer Clarke, Anne Cooper, Caroline Liffman, Katy Harris Mcleod, Julie Lebel & Laura Hicks.

The Microscopic CD Release Party
Sunday September 27th @ 7:30
The VanCity Cultre Lab at The Cultch


The Second Offering from Cultch Curator in Residence Aaron Joyce brings you the Microspcopic with Velour Bunker and No Hitting. Last month, Cultch Curator in Residence, Aaron Joyce, brought a blistering triple bill to the VanCity Culture Lab. Cloudsplitte, Copilots and A Ghost to Kill Again set up in the middle of the room and the crowd gathered around on all sides.
If you were there, you can attest that it was an inspiring and unforgettable night of music. If you weren’t, the good news is that Aaron has been hard at work preparing his second night of performance for the Culture Lab.

Performing with No Hitting are:
Music Makers:
Lee Hutzulak, Madoka Hara, Jesse Gentes, Rachael Wadham, Dave Leith & Aaron Joyce.
Julie Lebel, Jennifer Clarke, Tanya Marquardt, Anne Cooper, Caroline Liffman, Katy Harris Mcleod, & Laura Hicks.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Goonies Images

Jennifer Clarke amoungst 2000 Cranes. Cranes by Daniel McRorie.

Anne Cooper at practice session at Goonies in June 09.

Feet hanging and extended in air.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Nina Martin once said that improvisation is short deliberation choreography. And then added that if choreography is about long deliberation, it doesn't always makes it a better dance.


Hello, I would like to start a collection of continuums... If that makes no sense to you here is a few examples and please add some of yours if you have some.

Patience <---> Passion
Abstraction <---> Representation
Control <---> Expressiveness

If you read this diagram vertically, you get a group of concepts that seems caricatural of the form. The caricature being that abstract art is about control and representative art is about expression. There is some truth in it and it and that is why exploring this diagram diagonally is fun. That is why I love Abstract Expressionism and forms of art at the frontiere of being documentary (representation and control).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Notes from Laura

Seems like we're picking up tempo, and elements have begun to establish themselves.

Ritual practice as a warm up and 'arrival': Enter the space, set up/warm up, discuss past sessions and new ideas. Begin with 10 minute, 'all out': 10 minute improv with the score of allowing your needs, energies, desires - whatever it may be, to become part of the space. (Katy and I also referred to this as the verbal diarrhea score.)

As Julie mentioned, on the 21st, we played mostly with a 'Simul-Start/Stop' Score. Here are a few of my thoughts that arrived out of this practice:
- it doesn't matter where you are in the score, as long as it's clear in your own head.
- the idea of 'camouflage' seems to establish the skill of staying with an impulse despite group shifts
- there can be all kinds of shifts, but what lasts? the solo? the idea? continuity? the score, or the vocabulary? Establishing a larger perspective inside the score.
- along with the '3 minute' tendency, we also tend to fall into a habit of rhythm (group shifts occur at balanced intervals.) It would be interesting to work on different scores or ideas that break this.

Last week, it was just Katy and I, Lee and Madoka. Two musicians, two dancers. We played with what we called 'Pick your Player." What fun! (You can see the video below. - Thank you Lee!) Ideas that came out of this were dancers trying to identify musicians, simultaneously while the musicians chose them. Choice to keep selection secret, or set it out before hand. Contrast, mimic, or compliment? Are there other options for relating? The possibility that musician could become choreographer if we score types of movement to types of sound, eg: high movement = high sound, whirling = circling etc. This could easily establish a group language and strong dynamics.

watch the video here:

till next time... L.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Notes from Julie

It was great to get to practice Simul-Start and Simul-Stop yesterday! It is a score to practice awareness, timing and breaking inhibition. It has been developed by Nina Martin and Lower Left members.

We did All Out! to begin with and some open score as well. Good work. Thanks to Katy to remind us to get going on our feet an not talk too much!

I'll be away next week but back the second week of August. Have fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Notes from Jen

Hi Friends,

So far, Laura, Julie and Jennifer met on Monday July 6th. and, Julie, Katy, Lee and Jennifer met on Tuesday at 45 West and had an inspiring rehearsal. Here are some of the ideas that we talked about, worked on and hope to develop more in the future. Exciting things are in the works.

Please note these are the notes that I took in rehearsal, if there are other ideas that I missed please do add them. Also, these ideas are a blend of our collective conversation, as well as individual interests.

Monday July 6th
- Developing the Tuning Score (Lisa Nelson's) - pause, play, repeat, end, replay, exit, etc, etc.
- Practise Memory - what happened during all points of the improv.
- Break the 3 minute habit - going beyond the 3 minute tendancy of an idea or ending it sooner.
- Endings
- Catching and matching momentum
- Vocabulary Tuning

Tuesday July 14th
- One musician to one dancer
- Looking, working with the eyes
- Could we develop a score that is almost impossible? How would you interpret the score to make it workable.
- what roles come up as we work and improvise together?
- what score could we develop that would not produce a product. does the need to produce a product, or create something watchable override investigation of depth.

- idea of a tribe - we develop the same language
- boredom is very valuable

awesome quote from Julie's friend Andrew Wass:

"Hold your idea in the palm of your hand, if you want to drop it just open hand and let it go."

until next time,
jennifer clarke

Monday, July 20, 2009


Our inaugural performance was a success! Thank you to Goonies Gallery for being our first fabulous host. "Two thousand paper cranes" happened on May 29th, 2009 and featured dancers: Jennifer Clark, Laura Hicks, Anne Cooper, Julie Lebel, and Tanya Marquardt, with music makers: JP Carter, Lee Hutzulak, Rachael Wadham, Madoka Hara, and Aaron Joyce.